Bess Be Fit

A former collegiate athlete's journey of trying to stay and get as fit as possible in life after soccer!

500 Done


I’m excited I had such an awesome group of people that joined me for the 500 challenge I put up in the last post!  Honestly I always want to get my abs ripped but am highly susceptible to slacking off with the core moves.  So I am glad I had this challenge to hold me accountable and for everyone else to also!

My workout was 30 minutes of high resistance elliptical (incline:15, resistance:12-14) and then I hit the gym floor for my abs session.

Here is how my 500 abs broke down:

  • 100 hanging leg abs
  • 25 crunches with med ball
  • 25 oblique crunches with med ball on right
  • 25 oblique crunches with med ball on left
  • 25 straight leg crunches w/ med ball
  • 50 bicycle crunches
  • 50 suitcase crunches
  • 25 toe touches
  • 25 heel to heel touches
  • 50 jackknifes
  • 50 russian twists with med ball
  • 50 alternating leg lifts

And that was it!  I threw in about 50 extra bicycle crunches at the end just for good measure in case I counted wrong.

Now I’m excited to go check out how everyone else did!  Below you can find the links of others who participated (or their twitter handles or names if they don’t have a blog) in the challenge.  If I left anyone out just leave your name/blog link in the comments below 🙂

500 Challenge Participants:

Molly @ Farther, Faster

Stephanie @ Steph Snacks

Mattie @ Comfy & Confident



Megan (@mnstengel)

Andrea @ Andrea Out Loud!

Jenn (@tonedupjenn)


Allison @ Life’s a Bowl

Lauren @ Peanut Butter Powered

Donna @ Give More Than You Get!

Leslie Chala

Ricole Runs

Lizzi @ Bacon Clafoutis

Heather @ For the Love of Kale

E (@Swizzle4rizzle)

Elimae @ Elimae Competes

Gregory @ Tarred Feathers

Jill Hanner (@jillhanner) (youtube channel)

Tara (@taratiu)

Nikki Hurst (@nikkitonesitup)

Hayley Caslin (@hayelizcaslin)

Alex Fagan (@alexsilverfagan)

Emily @ As Dreams Become Reality


I think that’s all I know of…but if I forgot to add you or you haven’t done the challenge yet but still want to, just put your link at the bottom and I’ll add ya in!!

So glad tomorrow is Friday.  I topped off my night with a yummy dinner…salmon salad made with reduced fat olive oil mayo and chopped celery over a bed of baby kale.

So easy to make and so good.  Now off to relax as usual before getting in bed.  I am really sleepy!!! Have a nice night 🙂

Link up in the comments section if you put up a blog post or posted a pic on Twitter of your workout so everyone can go check it out!

Author: Bess

I'm a 23 year old southern girl living in NJ, graduate of Wake Forest University, retired soccer player, certified personal trainer, I have a passion for health and fitness! LOVE food and exercise!

19 thoughts on “500 Done

  1. I finished your 500 Challenge after work. It was great to have a plan for an afternoon workout!! I have a feeling I will be feeling it tomorrow 😉

  2. I missed the challenge today and am too sleepy to do it now #excuses ;). Are you going to be doing this another day soon? I did right a guest post on the elusive 6 pack!

  3. I missed the challenge today and am too sleep now #excuses. Are you going to be doing this again? I wrote a guest post recently about the elusive 6 pack and how to get it:

  4. Just finished! Knocked it all out after today’s run and felt amazing!

  5. Oh goodness… once again you’re making me hungry!

  6. Done with the challenge! loved it! lets do a lot more of these! cant pass up a good challenge! 🙂

  7. I like the idea of this challenge, I’m in! Better do them before I go to bed!

  8. Where do you buy your Kale and what brand is it? It always looks so yummy!

  9. Wow, I am impressed with that workout…


  10. Yesterday I got a little carried away after work and ran 5 miles then went on an hour long hike with my momma… So unfortunately my creative juices weren’t flowing and I did a straight up 500 crunches :/ But to make up for it, I’m thinking of re-attemping your challenge today!

  11. I can definitely feel it in my obliques and upper abs today! And I woke up and actually saw a hint of a waist this morning which is rare for my boyish figure 🙂 Thanks for an awesome challenge!

  12. You’re a beast! I loved this challenge! I actually DIDN’T complete it… but I’m not too upset about that. I did 250 moves at work early in the day, drove to the gym after work, did a 10km run (focusing on keeping my core engaged throughout – especially during sprints.. i tend to struggle with that and my form suffers as i get fatigued). By the time I was done, my core was on FIRE again… I managed to whip out an extra 100 moves, switched to doing some upper body stuff, and called it a day.

    Sooo a total of 350 moves – bit bummed I didn’t get to the full 500, but I am in a WORLD OF PAIN today, and I know I worked hard (especially considering i VERY rarely do ANY ab work), so I’m still pretty chuffed with myself 🙂 Plus it just gives me something to aim for next time 😀
