Bess Be Fit

A former collegiate athlete's journey of trying to stay and get as fit as possible in life after soccer!

Day 5: Green Smoothie Challenge


Last night I froze a banana and sliced strawberries to put into the blender this morning.  Great addition.

Day five’s mix included:

  • 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • 1 cup sliced frozen strawberries
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 4 or 5 handfuls spinach
  • 1 scoop vanilla whey protein

Day five of 7-day green smoothie challenge:  Check.

Author: Bess

I'm a 23 year old southern girl living in NJ, graduate of Wake Forest University, retired soccer player, certified personal trainer, I have a passion for health and fitness! LOVE food and exercise!

10 thoughts on “Day 5: Green Smoothie Challenge

  1. You’re so diligent about documenting your smoothies!! I’ve been drinking mine but failing to snap photos –> fail! Have you tried freezing your spinach? That’s what I do and I love it!

    • No I haven’t!! Do you just freeze it in the bag? That’s not a bad idea at all 🙂

      • You can either freeze it in the bag or buy frozen spinach in blocks (thaw it a little and chop it into 4-6 cubes then refreeze). I just grab a cube of it and toss it in the mix. Just make sure your blender is powerful enough to chop through it.

  2. 1 – I am excited about smoothies right now but I don’t like protein powder but I did get the Kefir and I seem to like that.

    2 – I’m going to try the frozen spinach idea! That sounds awesome!

  3. I’m interested to try this – I love smoothies and eat a lot of them, but I’ve never been adventurous enough to put spinach in them! Can you taste it?

  4. I hear ya with preseason workouts! Literally, the actual season was when it was “easiest”! I mean, summer leading up to pre-season, pre-season itself, and spring season…were some of the hardest workouts I’ve ever done!

  5. i love the frozen fruit too! texture is so much better.
