Bess Be Fit

A former collegiate athlete's journey of trying to stay and get as fit as possible in life after soccer!


HIIT x2, Abs, and a Bright Breakfast

Happy Hump Day!

So I tried my new schedule this morning and so far, so good.

I woke up around 6:30 and headed downstairs to get in my workout.  I thought about going to the gym, but since yesterday’s cardio was so boring, I wasn’t feeling it.  Much better to do a workout you enjoy and look forward to!  Since I have been feeling the Tone It Up HIIT workout, that’s what I did.  Except this time I went through the entire DVD twice, which is just under 40 minutes of HIIT and toning moves.  I topped it all off with the Bikini Abs DVD which left my abs on fire!  Have I mentioned I love these DVDs?  Oh because I do.  I haven’t even tried them all yet!

For breakfast I made a strawberry and pineapple protein pancake and ate it at my kitchen table instead of in my office so as to continue with the new schedule.  I usually make it the night before and take it to work but today I made it at home and ate it at home.  It was nice to eat it at home but then it made it really hard for me to want to go to work…I wanted to stay there and do stuff around the house and even go for a run or take Maverick on a walk!

The bright colors in the pictures just make me happy.  And it was a perfect breakfast post-workout.

I hope you all have a great Wednesday!  Getting over the hump of the week…I am weekend daydreaming!

Who else is with me?!  For the weekend can I get an amen??

What is the workout you most look forward to?


FITspiration Friday: ABS

In honor of the fact that we all have ripped abs now after our 500 challenge from yesterday (if only!), here are today’s fit pics with some tight and toned tummies.  I think some of these pictures are going to make me want to do the 500 challenge everyday!  But I won’t because I don’t like to work the same muscle group two days in a row.  Speaking of, I am really sore today especially in my upper abs but not feeling it much in my lower abs!  May need to do some more moves today to target those.  Also, I wanted to share this article by JillFit with her 5 Top Tips for Sculpted Abs. She is awesome so I recommend going to check out her site.  Lots of great info there!

Here are some hot abs, but girls and guys…because I do believe I have some male readers, too 🙂

The Tone It Up trainers K&K have amazing abs! And know how to get them.


The guy in the pic above is actually my uncle’s trainer in NYC…Mark (my uncle) asked if I wanted to go workout with him last weekend when I was in the city and I was too scared to go! But he actually won the Wilhemina Model Search and you may see him in tons of health and fitness publications now. Here’s Mark beasting out a workout but this is exactly why I didn’t go…wasn’t mentally prepared to get destroyed.

Right now I am actually kind of regretting not going!  An ass-kicking is great once in a while and I could probably use a workout like that.

Okay well I am definitely feeling motivated for a hardcore workout right about now…anyone else?!

What is your workout today?  What is the hardest workout you have ever done?!  I don’t know off the top of my head but I am sure that the hardest workout I ever did was something concocted by Brian during summer workouts to get in preaseason shape for soccer.  Pretty sure it included endless 400s and stadium stairs.  Aka death.